Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Benefits of Honey as a Medicine

Benefit of honey was recorded in Roman civilization, Indian, Arabic, Chinese and other nations. The father of modern medicine, Ibn Sina/avicenna (890-1037) in the elderly age reportedly still in good shape and looking like a young child. The secret turned out to almost every food is always mixed with honey. To cure TB disease of the lungs, Ibn Sina makes "recipe", mixing a few dozen grams of honey with a crown of roses, then eaten.

No wonder the efficacy of honey was recorded in the long history of human civilization. In the ancient Egyptian civilization is revealed, not only used for medicine, honey is used as a preservative. Mummy-mummy could last thousands of years because of preserved with honey and other ingredients.

Honey as a medicine

Honey is a natural antiseptic
Several medical journals have said more than 600 cases that use honey as a medicine for wounds. With the use of honey in wound dressings, a quarter times the level of recovery is faster than just using regular medication. Since most bacteria can not survive in honey, so wounds can heal faster, swelling could be reduced and damaged tissue can grow back. 

The human body can be described with a forest in which there is a variety of plants. However, plants that live in the human body is largely have only one cell, called bacteria. Bacteria are on the whole system of human body, ranging from nutrition systems, transportation, respiration, excretion and reproduction. In the digestive system, the bacteria spread from the oral cavity, pharinks, stomach, liver, pancreas, small intestine, large intestine to the anus.

The bacteria were grouped into "good" bacteria and bacteria "evil" or pathogens. Bacterial populations of "good" bacteria and "bad" in the gut interact and establish a balance that is called "gut flora". At the time of the bacterial population of "good" is more dominant, then the colon in good health. Conversely, if the bacteria are "bad" is more dominant then the intestine called the infestation of disease. Bowel function as "factories" various digestive enzymes will be disrupted.

Some examples of bacteria are "bad", Clastidium tetani causes tetanus, Salmonella causes typhoid tiphi, Micobacterium tubercolusis cause tuberculosis, Bacillus antracis cause inflammation of the spleen and liver (anthrax), Vibrio comma causes cholera, Shigella dysentery dysentrie cause, Pasteurela pestis causes bubonic plague, and Micobacterium keprae causes leprosy. While examples of good bacteria, among other things coli bacterium that lives in the large intestine to help the digestive process, bifidobakteria and Lactobacillus. 

In addition there is in the digestive system, bacteria can spread to other body systems and cause various diseases. Bacteria "evil" that enters the human body can cause the body's reaction locally called inflammation (inflammation), then it can spread (infection). But the infection does not always preceded by inflammation, for example in malaria caused by Plasmodium sp. 

Some types of inflammation are well known, among other tonsillitis, inflammation of the kidneys, inflammation of the prostate, stomach ulcers, inflammation of the eye, inflammation of the wrapping of the heart, inflammation of the uterus, inflammation of the urinary tract, ear inflammation, inflammation of the testicles, airway inflammation, arthritis and so on. 

To suppress the growth of bacteria "evil", can be used antibiotic. However, a very broad use of antibiotics lately is one of the causes involved the killing of "good" bacteria in the digestive tract. The use of antibiotics should really appropriate indications recommended by doctors. To control bacteria "evil" without disturbing the existence of "good" bacteria can be used prebiotic compounds, which among others contained in honey. 

Four factors that cause the honey is antibacterial prebiotics or "evil". 

First, the high sugar content of honey (consisting of 34.0% glucose, fructose and sucrose 40.54%, 1.9%) could inhibit bacterial growth and development. In such conditions, the bacteria that live cells (protoplasm) will detach from the cell wall, thus no longer able to indulge. 

Second, honey is sour (containing formic acid, malic acid, acetic acid, citric acid, succinic acid, dengn pH around 3-4), in this condition bacteria "evil" can not survive. 
Third, honey contains organic compounds that are antibacterial "evil", among others inhibine from the group of flavonoids, glycosides and polyphenols. While the antibacterial compound "evil" that has been identified from the dairy queen or royal jelly (liquid ingredients such as milk produced by young worker bee hypopharyngeal gland) was a 10-hidroxidecen-2-OIC acid. 

Fourth, honey contains a radical compound hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) which is to kill bacteria "evil" and other pathogenic microorganisms. Way, toxic compounds such as reactive functional groups of biomolecules damage on bacterial cells "evil". However, because honey contains enzymes catalase, after poisoning bacteria "evil", with immediate overhaul of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. 

Honey is also an antidote for acute respiratory infections (ARI) such as influenza (the cause influenza virus type A, B and C). which is the most common disease by a congregation of Hajj. No wonder if the honey is suggested to be one pilgrim health care provision.
For the purposes of treatment, prevention or maintain the stamina to withstand the onslaught of various diseases, for adults it is recommended to consume 100-200 grams of honey per day and children 30-75 grams per day, can be drunk directly or mixed with water as syrup, to jam on bread, or other foodstuffs.


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